The Incarnation of Jesus Continues.

Have you ever heard someone say something along the lines of, “you are who you spend time with”? I know I have, and I believe it. Not only have I witnessed it in other people, but it’s true for me as well. The people who surround us are going to influence our behavior, our motives, and our outlook on life. That’s why it’s so important that we all find good people to spend a majority of our time with.

I just finished a seriously great book entitled Beautiful Outlaw, written by Christian author and speaker John Eldredge. This guy has such a colorful way of looking at the world, and I love that. He’s able to think outside the box, and discard every preconceived notion about Jesus in order to have a genuine relationship with Him. Because of this, he’s got some insight on things that I’ve never even considered before. Now, it’s important to remember that books about Jesus always need to be prayed over and tested by Scripture, because people are just people, and a lot of them are just wrong. (Sorry, Osteen lovers.) Even so, I really feel like Eldredge was on point with the things he said in this book.

Beautiful Outlaw is all about the beautiful, fun, intense personality of Jesus Christ; how He is not some boring, 2D person that so many of us experience Him as. This guy was and is scandalously loving, fun to be around, a best friend, fierce, and the epitome of beauty. One of the closing thoughts in the book was about how the incarnation of Jesus continues… In us.

Interesting thought, huh? Well it gets better. Hang with me.

Most of us know that as Christians, we are meant to be “little Christs.” We are to be imitators of Him in all ways, right? (Ephesians 5:1)

However, I think a lot of us get this wrong. Because when we think about being like Jesus, we feel the need to try as hard as we can to be perfect like He was. But have you ever stopped to realize that our life-long sanctification (or continually getting closer to Jesus and growing in holiness) is not about what we’re doing to make ourselves better, but what He’s doing in us?

Let’s break that down a little bit. That last sentence was a doozy.

Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect. (Hence, the cross.) He also never asked us to try to be like Him in our own strength and ability, because He knows that’s impossible. (Hence, His grace.) All He wants is for us to become more like Him by letting Him do the work. The incarnation of God Almighty continues in us.

It’s a true statement that we are the only Jesus that the world is ever gonna see. So this concept is crucial for us all to try and grasp. If the world is to know Him, we have to know Him. Really know Him.

Spending time with Jesus can be a lot more fun than what we may think. Sure, there’s reverence involved, but let’s not get hung up on the religiosity of that… Jesus is a person, the most human person that ever lived. It’s equally dangerous to forget the humility and realness of Christ’s humanity as it is to forget His deity. He is God. He is human. Both. They can’t be separated. This mystery is too big for us to try and figure out – the depth of who He is would take a million lifetimes to try and discover. So just accept it. Just accept Him.

Sometimes spending time with God means just staying up late talking, singing in the shower, playing with your kids, throwing the ball around for your puppy, or encouraging a friend. Just because your Bible is closed and your eyes aren’t doesn’t mean that He goes anywhere. If you belong to Him, He literally never leaves you. So laugh with Him. Cry with Him. Be real and raw in your love for Him. This is what it means to acknowledge that you truly are known by God. To be known is to be loved… Just like the woman at the well. (John 4) In the same way, let down all the religious walls in your heart that tell you Jesus is not the most fascinating person there ever was or will be. Get to know Him.

I know that almost anyone who has ever had a texting conversation has had some miscommunication issues… Someone read into what you were trying to say a little too far, or they didn’t take your short and snappy “K.” seriously enough. I’m thankful for emoticons. They don’t correct this issue, but they help. Besides, it’s fun to add in the random emoticons that really have no purpose other than to be random. For example: “I’m headed your way! (Insert turtle emoji)”

In the same way, it would’ve been impossible for the Gospels’ authors to record every little wink, every raised eyebrow, every belly laugh, every tear shed, every playful tone, every moment of divine insight, and so on. It’s also important to remember that these guys weren’t authors by trade… Their purpose was not to be artistic in their writing styles. They simply recorded what the Lord led them to for our benefit; so we could have a taste of their life with Jesus, so we could know His heart more, so we could learn the lessons that came directly from His mouth, and so that we would know the ultimate role model to chase after. That said, really try and discover His colorful personality when you read the Gospels. It’s there. We just have to pray and dig deeper than the surface to get to it.

“You are who you spend time with.”

So be known and loved by Jesus. Work to know and love Him back. Because when you spend precious time with Him in all kinds of ways, you will be more like Him. Who He is will change who you are. It’s impossible not to be changed by Him, all for the better.

The incarnation of Jesus continues in me. In you. So let your relationship with sweet Jesus flourish. This is how we will change the world.

Be loved,

Lauren Butler (LB)


  1. I'd love to read the book. Maybe you could bring it home. :)
    Another great post. They always make me think a little deeper. Keep writing! Love!!

  2. Reading your blog brings me ever closer to your sweet heart. Thanks for your words and the inspiration.


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