We Go Together

Earlier today, I sent off a beautiful, Jesus-loving girl to go to another country. She got an awesome full-time job there – she’s a coach. She’s a missionary in Panama, and she’ll live there until God tells her to move on. She’s a brave fighter, a champion, a gospel-proclaimer, a leader, and a world changer. She’s Flo, and she’s my sister.

As my “other mom” Mel and I got her all packed up and ready to go late last night, I began to feel a little sadappy. (That’s a word I’ve used for a long time to describe what I feel when I’m sad and happy at the same time.) It’s never going to be a fun or easy thing to do to say “see ya later” to the ones I hold close to my heart. It would be foolish for me to think anything otherwise. The Lord blesses us with all kinds of special people to be a part of our innermost circles, as well as a heart to love those people greatly. We all cherish the ones who love us in return, lift us up, and make us better people. When we have to separate from them, a part of who we are goes with them. Even so, it’s with great joy that I was able to leave my sister at the airport with an overwhelming joy and peace. Why? Well, it’s because God is good that way – because we go together.

I was reminded of this truth as I had my quiet time last night out of Ephesians 4. The first few verses are all about unity in the church. I hope that you’ll check it out if you’re the least bit interested or aren’t sure what verses I’m talking about. But here’s the deal, church: we all are brothers and sisters with one Father, and one purpose. That purpose is simply to make our Father famous, bring Him glory, and most importantly (in my opinion), make people aware of His amazing love and grace. No matter what that looks like for each individual Christian, we go together.

We are called to go… That’s a given. We all know about going to the ends of the earth and making disciples and what not, but sometimes being “called to go” sounds like a churchy cliché. However, I want to challenge you to think about the truth behind those words. Whatever you’re doing in life, whoever you touch, however you talk the talk and walk the walk, you are asked to go and do. Live sent – let us all live and thrive in such a way that people can literally know about Jesus just by knowing us. It is up to the church to bring Light to the world, and we can do it by God’s power. We can do nothing worthwhile in the strength of our own flesh.

God is the most creative being in all of eternity. All the inventors, artists, composers, and authors of the world provide us with only a taste of the vast creativity of God. That said, embrace the fact that there is no one like you, and there will never be another person like you. Your life and experiences are completely unique, and the Lord uses them to make you who you are. We all have specific tasks to complete for Him, and it’s with great joy that we should take them on. Every interaction, every song that’s sung, every shoulder to cry on, every victory, every thought – everything we do is a chance to serve our Savior and love on His people.

Be the individual that you’ve been created to be. Find the passions that have been placed in your soul, and do all that you can to thrive in this one life you’ve been given. Make a difference in the little bit of world you live in, and know that we all go together.

We have one Savior, one love, and one purpose. Let us go and do great things.

Be blessed,

Lauren Elizabeth Butler

“Church arise – arise and shine. Shake yourself from the dust. God is calling us to go.” – Leeland


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