
Chronic Pain and My Journey So Far...

It feels strange to be typing up a document that has nothing to do with my master’s degree… But it’s a good strange, obviously. I hate school. God’s given me a season to rest and breathe, because He knew I’d need the time to do so. Today, I thought I’d share with you some of the reasons why. There are so many times I think to myself, “I could write a blog post about this.” Not in a spirit of vanity (even though I’m proud to say that my last post got over 6,500 reads), but just so I could share my heart with a lot of people at once, and feel a little more understood… And being known and understood goes hand-in-hand with being loved. Even so, I don’t write these things today to feel more loved and accepted by the miniscule community of readers that’ll come across this post. I just feel prompted in my spirit to share some of my story with you, in case any of it resonates with you on any level. I truly believe God gave us stories so that we might share them with others – there is ...

A Letter to the Church and the LGBTQ Community

That title got your attention, huh? Hey, dear reader. I know that posting a blog like this is a bold move… It’s risky. It’s controversial. Nearly everyone in the world has some kind of an opinion about the Church and the LGBTQ community. I might lose friends over the things I have to say, and I might gain some. But my posting this blog isn’t about me, or how many friends I’ll have after you all read this; it’s about speaking from my heart about something I’ve kept quiet about for far too long. There are two groups of people (as you read in the title) that I’d like to address. But before I say anything else, let me make something very clear – we are all worthy of love. Genuine love. That means loving strangers without prejudice, and giving every single person grace, forgiveness, and respect. With that said… To everyone in the LGBTQ community: There are so many things I wish I could say to all of you at the same time, and for so many years, I’ve wrestled with how I’d sa...

I'm Okay.

If you're one of the considerate folks who's asked me how I'm doing lately, that's the response you've probably gotten from me. "I'm okay." Or maybe, if I'm feeling a little more vulnerable in that moment, I might've said something like, "I'm a little tired today."  Or maybe, "It's been kinda rough lately... But I'm making it." These are all cliche, impersonal responses that we've all used before. Why? Probably because we know that whoever's asking us how we are doesn't really  want to hear the whole story. Or, it might be that even if they truly wanted to know, you don't want to tell them because sharing your burdens with someone can be difficult for so many reasons. Or maybe, you've been telling everyone, including yourself, that you really are okay, and you want to believe it so badly that you just try and fake it 'til you feel it... But you never really do feel it. Not s...