A Letter to the Church and the LGBTQ Community

That title got your attention, huh? Hey, dear reader. I know that posting a blog like this is a bold move… It’s risky. It’s controversial. Nearly everyone in the world has some kind of an opinion about the Church and the LGBTQ community. I might lose friends over the things I have to say, and I might gain some. But my posting this blog isn’t about me, or how many friends I’ll have after you all read this; it’s about speaking from my heart about something I’ve kept quiet about for far too long. There are two groups of people (as you read in the title) that I’d like to address. But before I say anything else, let me make something very clear – we are all worthy of love. Genuine love. That means loving strangers without prejudice, and giving every single person grace, forgiveness, and respect. With that said… To everyone in the LGBTQ community: There are so many things I wish I could say to all of you at the same time, and for so many years, I’ve wrestled with how I’d sa...