
Showing posts from April, 2014

Am I Understood?

God has placed so many different people in my life. They all have different, beautiful stories to tell, and they're all unique and wonderful because they were created that way. Despite how many differences there are, we humans share so many similarities as well. We all need love, we all need Jesus, we all enjoy the good things this life has to offer, et cetera. But one of the most significant characteristics we share is the point I want to make with this post: We all know pain.  People experience life in different ways, and no life story is going to look exactly like another - our God is far too creative for that. But each person who has ever lived in this world that is fallen and cursed knows what it's like to hurt. Physical, emotional, and spiritual pain is just a part of this life, but that fact doesn't necessarily make it easier to accept.  If you read my last post, you know how I feel about talking things out. I don't care who you are or how you were ra...

Sometimes you just gotta talk it out.

I've read many blogs, and I've heard about how fun they can be to write. Now, if you're one of those people who really knows me, you've probably come to the point where you realize I'm a talker. I'm a great listener, yes, but I'm most definitely a talker. I love to talk and be talked to. There's something so beautiful about being heard - that someone else is willing to take the time to really listen to your story, or even just about what you ate for breakfast. That being said, I firmly believe that not only is talking one of the best forms of communication in existence, but it's also fantastic therapy for the heart and soul. It's true that this is coming from an aspiring Christian counselor, but I think it probably rings true for everyone on the planet. I've heard it said many times from one of the wisest people I've ever met (and I'm proud to say she's my mentor), that there's something that's very powerful about put...